New First Aid Courses

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) in 2020 endorsed the release of the 8 (eight) new versions of the HLT Health Training Package unit of competency. The updates where developed to refelect the industry best practice, expectations and current regulations. In 2021 CAS Training Services as a co-provider of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909 has updated our course delivery to be inline with the new units.

See below for a list of changes and FAQs.

New course units:



HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitationHLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life supportHLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID003 Provide First AidHLTAID011 Provide First Aid
HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care settingHLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting

Here’s what you need to know if you’ve already completed your prior to the new First Aid Course Units where released.



HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitationWill remain recognised and valid for 12 months from the date of your course
HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life supportWill remain recognised and valid for 3 years from the date of your course
HLTAID003 Provide First AidWill remain recognised and valid for 3 years from the date of your course
HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care settingWill remain recognised and valid for 3 years from the date of your course

If you have any queries on course contents, assessment requirements, or just want to know which course is right for you, our  team at CAS Training Services are on hand and happy to answer any questions.

Find the first aid course that meets your needs below...

CPR Training

On the HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation course, you will learn these skills, in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines, including using an automated external defibrillator (AED), how to rotate first aiders with minimal interruptions to compressions, and what to do if the casualty regurgitates or vomits. Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency that can lead to death. With urgent medical care to restart the heart, survival is possible.

First Aid Training

HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid covers assessing the casualty, providing safety, accessing emergency services, and using resources to provide first aid, such as providing CPR and using a defibrillator, administering an autoinjector for anaphylaxis, administering asthma medication, assisting someone choking, using appropriate immobilisation techniques for envenomation, fractures, dislocations, sprains and strains, managing casualties with non-life-threatening bleeding and shock.

Childcare First Aid

HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid In An Education And Care Setting, provides practical training for workers within an education and care setting to respond to first aid emergencies in line with legal and workplace requirements, Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and other Australian national peak clinical bodies. The course covers completing incident documentation and debriefing for improvement of response, recognising psychological impacts, talking with children about their emotions and seeking help as required.

Medication Training

On the HLTHPS006 - Assist Clients With Medication, Participants will learn about the importance of checking and confirming the care plan and details, client identity, correct medication including expiry dates, dosage instructions, correct dosage. And conducting pre and post administration client checks, cleaning equipment, disposal and storage of medications according to organisation procedures. The skills in this course apply to community services and health workers with authority in their state or territory to assist with the administration of medication and must be used in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

Recognise healthy body systems

Body Systems

HLTAAP001 - Recognise Healthy Body Systems, covers the skills and knowledge required to work with basic information about the human body and to recognise and promote ways to maintain healthy functioning of the body. Participants will learn about the basic structure and functions of the body systems and associated components, the processes, conditions and resources required by the body to support healthy functioning, protection from infection and active and passive physical activity.

Childcare First Aid

HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid In An Education And Care Setting, provides practical training for workers within an education and care setting to respond to first aid emergencies in line with legal and workplace requirements, Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and other Australian national peak clinical bodies. The course covers completing incident documentation and debriefing for improvement of response, recognising psychological impacts, talking with children about their emotions and seeking help as required.